Gran Pollo
About us
Granpollo is a family. We are a family-owned and operated restaurant. The head chef Daniel Geofroy is the son of owners David Geofroy and Mirta Geofroy. Having immigrated to the United States in the year 2005, they fell out of contact with flavors they grew up with; Specially their beloved "pollo a la brasa". Finally, in 2013, they proposed to bring what they missed most in Venezuela to life in a little corner of Doral.They founded Granpollo.
The reason why we created Granpollo is the belief that we all crave our home. There are moments when we wish we were surrounded by family. Moments where we wish we had the care, love, and nurture of our loved ones. Granpollo is my family. My father, my mother, my sister, we are all part of this family and our mission is to make you a part of it too.
Our vision is to share the warmth and comfort of Venezuelan culture with the whole world. We want to share our homemade meals and our traditional Venezuelan food made from scratch with everyone. Our fellow Venezuelans who miss home, or anyone who just loves rotisserie chicken. We invite you to join our family, experience our culture, and feel at home.
Daniel Geofroy
Head Chef
" La cocina Venezolana es mi infancia y mis recuerdos. No hay nada como entrar a Granpollo, respirar hondo y ser transportado. Encontrar los olores de estofado en el apartamento de mi Tia en Caracas, el olor a cafe de la casa de mi abuela en Ciudad Bolivar, y el olor a pollo en brasa que despierta todos mis sentidos. Esos recuerdos agradables me hacen sentir bien. Ese es el sentimiento de llegar a casa. Esa es nuestra filosofia. Crear un ambiente donde tus recuerdos y sentimientos vuelvan a la realidad. "